you can overwrite each of the following settings in the initialization call. Every single one is optional.
Each of the classname options can now contain multiple classnames divided by a space i.e.: currentInfoClass: 'current-info visuallyhidden'
wrapperClass: 'content', // Classname to apply to the div that is wrapped around the original Markup
currentClass: 'current', // Classname to apply to the LI of the selected Tab
tabhead: 'h4', // Tag or valid Query Selector of the Elements to Transform the Tabs-Navigation from (originals are removed)
tabheadClass: 'tabhead', // Classname to apply to the target heading element for each tab div
tabbody: '.tabbody', // Tag or valid Query Selector of the Elements to be treated as the Tab Body
fx:'show', // can be "fadeIn", "slideDown", "show"
fxspeed: 'normal', // speed (String|Number): "slow", "normal", or "fast") or the number of milliseconds to run the animation
currentInfoText: 'current tab: ', // text to indicate for screenreaders which tab is the current one
currentInfoPosition: 'prepend', // Definition where to insert the Info Text. Can be either "prepend" or "append"
currentInfoClass: 'current-info', // Class to apply to the span wrapping the CurrentInfoText
tabsListClass:'tabs-list', // Class to apply to the generated list of tabs above the content
syncheights:false, // syncs the heights of the tab contents when the SyncHeight plugin is available
syncHeightMethodName:'syncHeight', // set the Method name of the plugin you want to use to sync the tab contents. Defaults to the SyncHeight plugin:
cssClassAvailable:false, // Enable individual css classes for tabs. Gets the appropriate class name of a tabhead element and apply it to the tab list element. Boolean value
saveState:false, // save the selected tab into a cookie so it stays selected after a reload. This requires that the wrapping div needs to have an ID (so we know which tab we're saving)
autoAnchor:false, // will move over any existing id of a headline in tabs markup so it can be linked to it
pagination:false, // adds buttons to each tab to switch to the next/previous tab
position:'top', // can be 'top' or 'bottom'. Defines where the tabs list is inserted.
wrapInnerNavLinks: '', // inner wrap for a-tags in tab navigation. See for further informations
firstNavItemClass: 'first', // Classname of the first list item in the tab navigation
lastNavItemClass: 'last', // Classname of the last list item in the tab navigation
clearfixClass: 'clearfix' // Name of the Class that is used to clear/contain floats
Want to learn more about this? jQuery Accessible Tabs - How to make tabs REALLY accessible